3 color – full color LED SMD module
Buy the 37 in 1 at Amazon
SMD RGB LED module consists of a full-color LED made by R, G, B three pin PWM voltage input can be adjusted. Primary colors (red / blue / green) strength in order to achieve full color mixing effect. Control of the module with the Arduino can be achieved Cool lighting effects.
- using 5050 full color LED with max current of 20mA
- Forward Voltage : Red 1.80V (2.4 max), Green,Blue 2.8V (3.6V)
- RGB trichromatic limiting resistor to prevent burnout
- through the PWM adjusting three primary colors can be mixed to obtain different colors
- with a variety of single-chip interface
- Operating voltage: 5V
- LED drive mode: common cathode driver
Since you can’t connect the led’s directly to the Arduino you will need resistors!!
- Arduino pin 9 –> 180 Ohm resistor –> Pin ‘R’ of KY-009 module
- Arduino pin 10 –> 100 Ohm resistor –> Pin ‘G’ of KY-009 module
- Arduino pin 11 –> 100 Ohm resistor –> Pin ‘B’ of KY-009 module
- Arduino GND –> pin ‘-‘ of KY-009 module
Example Code
int redpin = 11; // select the pin for the red LED int bluepin = 10; // select the pin for the blue LED int greenpin = 9; // select the pin for the green LED int val=0; void setup () { pinMode (redpin, OUTPUT); pinMode (bluepin, OUTPUT); pinMode (greenpin, OUTPUT); Serial.begin (9600); } void loop () { for (val=255; val>0; val--) { analogWrite (redpin, val); analogWrite (bluepin, 255-val); analogWrite (greenpin, 128-val); delay (1); } for (val = 0; val <255; val++) { analogWrite (redpin, val); analogWrite (bluepin, 255-val); analogWrite (greenpin, 128-val); delay (1); } Serial.println (val, DEC); }